rgb color conversion

Color Mode Type:

The rgb color value conversion tool can convert the color values KUAISU of the common HEX, RGB, HSV, CMYK, HSL color types to the color values of several other color types.

hex is to use red, green, blue three kinds of mixing to generate a new color, it is similar to the principle of RGB, but it is hexadecimal.

RGB is a more commonly used toning method. It is formed by mixing red, green, and blue light sources to form colors. The range of each light source is between 0 and 255.

HSV represents hue H, saturation S, and lightness V. Compared with rgb, it is closer to people's perception experience of color, and can intuitively reflect the hue, brightness, and brightness of color. It is generally used in image processing.

HSL is similar to HSV, it is a color mode composed of hue h, saturation s and lightness l

CMYK is a commonly used color mode in printing, which forms colors by mixing the three primary colors cyan, yellow, magenta and black in a four-color mode.