em pt px mutual conversion

Value to be converted:
Parent element font value:px

The em, pt, and px conversion tool can automatically convert the specified type of webpage css length value into em, pt, px, percentage and other unit lengths.

What do the length units em, px, pt, and% in css represent?

1. Em represents the relative size relative to the font size of the text in the current specified object, and is a relative length unit.

2. Px is called pixel, which is the smallest point in the picture. Multiple pixels make up a bitmap picture.

3. pt is the relative unit of font and is often used in printing.

4. Percentage represents the unit relative to the browser

When the font value of the parent element in the web page is 16px, 1em=16px:

Converting 30px into other units is 30px = 1.875em = 22.5pt = 187.5%

Instructions for use:

1. First set the font pixel of the parent element

2. Select the unit type and value of the input value

3. After selecting the conversion, the value of other units will be automatically calculated.