Seed to Magnet Link

The torrent-to-magnet link tool can quickly convert torrent files with the suffix of .torrent format into a more reliable and stable magnet link.

What is a seed file?

A torrent file is a file with a suffix of .torrent, which is essentially a text file, which is a combination of file information and tracker information. The Tracker information is the address and settings of the Tracker server required for BT download. The file information is generated by encoding and calculating according to the original file according to the Bencode rule in the BitTorrent protocol. The downloaded file is virtually divided into multiple blocks of 2k integer powers. The index information and hash value of each block are combined in the seed file and used to index the downloaded file.

What is a magnet link?

Magnet link is a text link beginning with magnet:?xt=urn:btih:. It is mainly composed of a set of hash function values generated from the hash value of the file to identify file information. Information retrieval and file downloading can be performed in a peer-to-peer network.

The use of torrent seed to magnet link is also relatively simple. You only need to select one or more torrent files that need to be converted to magnet link to automatically convert the file to magnet link.